Ordis Starter Deck
Ordis Starter Deck
Each starter deck embodies a particular play style and has its own strengths, weaknesses, and strategies. Choose the deck(s) that best suit(s) your preferences, and set off on an adventure with your Hero and Companion.
A starter deck contains everything you need to start playing, and it has been balanced to give you the best possible experience against one of the other five current starter decks. Please note that only the starter decks contain the base materials required to play the game.
ORDIS: The World Needs a Framework
The world has become impermanent and chaotic. Faced with this state of affairs, humanity must embody order if it is to rebuild it. This is what Ordis firmly believes. Like an unshakeable rock, this Faction devotes all its efforts to bringing structure to their environment. Like a sprawling anthill, it strives to build a backbone strong enough to consolidate the world over the long term. But Ordis knows that nothing will last if it isn't founded on the ideals of justice, cohesion, and fairness.